Saturday, November 8

Halloween, Obama, Guido & Diamond

It's all been going on, we have just had Halloween, plenty of fancy dress. I see that the US marketing boys have been at it. They have convinced everyone that its all about fancy dress and every adult and kid MUST dress up. To apply kid pressure on parents wallets they put out what they believe are enticing costume for kids. Such as - French Maid outfits. I can think of plenty of girls I would like to see decked out in this fashion, but I am not sure about 7 year old French Maids, with complete make-up, wandering the streets. Only in America, but I guess in your street, coming soon. We prepared for trick or treat, but went to Pam & Pete's loaded with sweeties. I don't think kids are allowed on their community, as no one knocked. Ah well, lots of chocs to scoff! I wonder why we are putting on weight?

The election was finally completed yesterday and Obama made it look easy. Ten out of ten for the Makreel forecast 2 years ago. Perhaps McCain was put forward as a sacrifice as a republican success after Bush looked all but impossible. Perhaps the real republican candidates will step up next time. Voting has been going on here in Florida for over a week. I guess it was to give plenty of time to get the count wrong? It was strange, the early voting booths had massive queues, 5 hour for some, maybe the US doesn't put much resource to voting. In the UK, some 60 million with approx 75% turnout is done in one day with no queues. Florida has 19 million with a similar turnout. Some funny old candidates and campaigning going on - we had a convicted, awaiting appeal, candidate for state senate. He wasn't allowed to vote himself, but got in never-the-less. I wonder what that says about suitable candidates, the voters and the legal system.

Of course, we English have a political celebration ourselves on 5th. We celebrate a guy named Guido who tried to blow up the King and all the politicians at opening of Parliament in 1605. Apparently it was an act of terrorism by a bunch of religious extremists who wanted more power - nothing new under the sun then! Anyway, the English liked it so much they celebrate it still over 400 years on. It probably had an impact on how the US is today. One of the causes of the plot was King James bashing the Puritans and Catholics in 1604 and perhaps it was a prod for the Pilgrims to look for religious freedom elsewhere
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I can think of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!

Went to see Neil Diamond at the Amway Arena. He still has a very strong voice and a great show. I much prefer the old classics (guess why?) and he certainly got the crowd going. There were about 10-15000 people there, so nice atmosphere. The usual problems with exiting a big stadium, but we had parked down the road at the Orange Court House, so got away fairly easily.

Wednesday, November 5

The Big Day - Turkey's Done a Runner

Well its here - Linda gets her state pension. Yes that's right, she finally comes of age. Lots of cards arrived, some at the wrong address, we are away on holiday and the cards have gone home. No worries, we will catch up with them. Jack sent Lin a nice animated birthday card that he had created. Eevie told Lin she was 61. When asked why, she said that she came to Linda's 60th earlier in the year in September and this is the next birthday. Its got logic, no? Linda has just been chilling out, champagne and snacks by the pool, but we are now off to the Gaylord Palms for dinner with some pals.

Dan is doing his presentation to the group of bursary students at a dinner in a hotel in Cambridge. He investigated creating dyes to tag cancer cells for cancer research. Some of his work was censored as commercially sensitive by the company he was working in, so it could be an interesting presentation.

Just been watching Arsenal do Fenerbahce, 5-2 away from home, so a pretty good first half to the first league section. The next section will be tougher.

I have been chatting to the girl renting our villa. She has the same birthday as me. Apparently you normally need 21 people in the same room for 2 to have the same birthday. Can you work that out! Anyway, apparently its a much smaller number when renting villas! She was pleased to receive the flowers from Colin, shame for her they were Linda's. Linda starred on Youtube, amazing what pensioners will do!

Linda kept the celebrations going by having the pals around for snacks and drinkies on the Sunday, We stocked up
with some nice finger food - chicken wrap enchi-buri-tosta-i'm-not-sure-adas, Mex grub anyway, shrimp(that's prawns to you)-cheese-bacon on a stick, shrimp dimsung, cooked a bacon joint, yummy Brit cheese, crackers that looked like potpourri etc etc. We bought biggish packs with the idea of using some & keeping some in the freezer. We also bought the 20lb turkey for Thanksgiving and put it in the freezer. Arose from bed on the morning of the party, took milk from fridge for brekkie - whoa! - what's all that condensation on the contents of fridge - not that humid - motor's not running. The freezer door is open, turkey has slid and pushed it open. Freezer has gone bananas trying to cool the planet and switched itself off in disgust. Turkey goes for a drive to the neighbours freezer for a vacation.(US turkey) We ditch the liquid ice cream and eat the rest.

Party went great, loads of food, I tried to stuff it down them, but we still had lots of left overs. We partied hard, Pam fell asleep while being photographed.