Friday, December 25


Santa visited last night to a mixed reception!

Saturday, December 19


Got together with a bunch of nurses. Dunno what happened next!

Wednesday, December 9


Mum reminded me the early entry was good. We played Quidditch, raided & escaped Gringotts, flew the Hippogriff, rode Hagrid's combination, went on the express twice, boarded the night bus - all before breakfast, no wonder I was knackered.


Spent last couple of days here at Cabana Bay resort which is 1960 themed, from the transport, hotel design, fixtures & fittings to the music they play in the bar. Yesterday was early entry to Harry the Pot breakfast at 3 broomsticks & dinner at Bubba's. HP world is very well done with the train between Hogsmeade & Diagonal. The 2 rides are pretty good, but after four 3-D rides & a roller coaster the neck said enough. Need to get in training next time. Mum was upset she wasn't 10, they wouldn't let her on the Pteradon ride. Ah well that's life, too much of it in her case. Just chilling in the foyer before setting off for airport mayhem!

Tuesday, December 1


Had a few showers today & swapped rental car for something more suitable!

Thursday, November 26


Just chilling and easing our way through the holiday. Really enjoyed the Pickelball with Ray. He is too fit for me & I was knackered by the end.

Assorted pictures, got soaked on the water ride. The 5 year lad on the ride was so exited that we were in the seats that get the soaking - he was right & he loved it.

Next stop Disney hotel, then Clearwater to check on our pal's apartment, then Universal hotel, then home. Wow, that's gone by quick. Soon be Easter.

Thursday, November 12


Here on the beach at Melbourne. The bar is apparently the biggest grossing in Florida. Went for a drink on the terrace overlooking the bay. Some place, must have had a thousand different beers from all over the world - its also a deli, bakery and restaurant. Forgot to mention the frozen fountains.

Sunday, November 8


Been walking around the art Deco district with Paula, a very knowledgeable guide from Leamington Spa. We now know Deco, Mediterranean revival ABA & MiMo (Miami Modern). There are certainly some beautiful buildings here. They have secret codes in their terrazzo floors, you know. Jack would love this. Very lively here at night, huge gay community, the drag queen parade outside the bars was something.

Saturday, November 7


Visited Labadee, which is Royal Caribbean's own resort in Haiti. It is a delightful peninsula isolated by mountains. The food is for supplied by the ship & there are loads of adrenaline rides. I think Jack & Dan would really like the 5000 ft zip from the mountain top. Pretty hot, but nice shady spots.