Tuesday, October 27


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From: wallyspooner@gmail.com
Date: 27 Oct 2015 15:28
Subject: ROME ROAM
To: Wally US <walter_spooner@btinternet.com>

Weather here beautiful, hotel very nice - short walk from station - nice concierge v knowledgeable. Also knew N London well. Wandered Rome, nice lunch in streetside cafe. Thought about getting a job here, buying a Centurians outfit and charging for photos. I've got the legs for it.


Shampoo & underwear, what could be nicer.

Our next door neighbour was missing at the evacuation roll call. They have a Do Not Disturb on their door. Either honeymooners or have the lurg. My bet is lurg as they are living on Dover Sole, plaice & pancakes - it's the only food waiters can push under the door!


We've set sail now, Linda is chilling, weather is lovely. We just have to squeeze between Sardinia & Corsica - hope our Captain is not Costa trained.


I don't know about a cruise diet being bad for the waistline, but Linda seems to be losing weight.


Through the Straits of Gibraltar, out into the Atlantic, the weather remains great. Birthday dawned, thanks for all the cards & prezzies. Totally muddled with time, clocks not adjusted & brekkie turned into lunch. Nice Bday dinner, got couple of free bottles of wine. Shows are great - talks, Darren Day & Gareth Oliver shows fantastic. Saw pod of dolphins & Aussies triumph.
Downloaded a number of radio plays, documentaries and live music for the trip. Had problems with the app and lost all the downloads - what a numpty. Insult to injury speaker stolen/lost. DNTB

Thursday, October 22


Civitavecchia is a nice little town with old streets, Roman buildings and is home today to 6 cruise ships and a ferry.   You can walk to the port and thousands are taking the opportunity to do so, hence the rattle of case wheels is everywhere. Been watching the parking. Apparently you fail your test here if you do not bump the adjacent car at least 3 times. Haven't been to Italy for a couple of years and it's still a complete shambles. Snail speed internet, train calls at airport and major seaport - no space to store luggage, streets dirty & graffiti everywhere. They changed the street layout but didn't change the maps on where to catch the port shuttle bus. Confusion everywhere. Pastas nice tho.

Tuesday, October 20

Stansted, but not as you know it

Day's gone really good started with nice number 2, discovered our train line now gives free travel for us oldies at all times. Stansted Express was great, empty, served coffee and only 47 mins. Hadn't been to Stansted for ages, all change there. The shopping is rearranged so you have to walk through an alley of 250 shops before you can sit down. All went smooth, the flight was nice with good views of the snowy Alps and arrived in Rome Ciampino on time. The coach into the centre was a bit of a scrum though. Hotel nice, pretty warm here.

Monday, October 19


Well, we are getting ready to set off on our travels - Italy - trans Atlantic cruise to Miami - Madeira - Caribbean on route. What can go wrong after all the planning. Can't say, brain's in such a fuzz after all the planning. Let's wait and see.