Tuesday, October 31


Off on our own tour up to rain forest canopy walking on aerial bridges 100 foot up

Friday, October 27


Boarded Celebrity Infinity, all pretty smooth. Haven't lost the sea passes yet, voice recovered from the Donkey quiz. 70 arrived uneventfully. Nice cards, thanks everyone. Keeping my promises by dancing with Lin. I attempted; electric slide; wobble; limbo; funky cha-cha. On pool deck, flip flops discarded, hot sun - result blistered feet & now thinking. Ah well, on & upward to the merengey (spell checker can't help with this). Chilling, doing puzzles, eating & drinking. 2 sea days 1 hours extra sleep clock change. A good combination.

Monday, October 23


No rest for the weary. Line dancing, birthdays, beautiful people, up early, late to bed. So much going on, Carnival is such a party ship. Lost my voice singing at the trivia quiz's.

Now down in Port Everglades waiting to board the next ship. Family off to Disney, at least we can rest a bit. Lin's off catching up with laundry before going to nail salon.

Sunday, October 22


Spent yesterday playing secret agent. We did not tell Michelle & company that we were also on the cruise with them. The plan was to send them an invitation from Carnival to get a complimentary drink in the bar at 5pm. We left the invitations on each of their cases outside their cabins. We spent all the time up to 5pm trying to avoid them, they were 15 feet from us the life boat muster & we were hiding behind bigger strangers. 5pm came & went, no one turned up at the bar. So we went searching for them and eventually found them. Neil had taken in the cases but failed to find our invitation. So all our Dick Tracey stuff was in vain. The funny thing is that Seb & Meg didn't recognise us standing in front of them, but Michelle thought she heard & recognised my trademark cough. Anyway we had a nice evening at dinner & the shows. We are here in Nassau, Bahamas. Its pretty much like all the other Caribbean islands we have been. Jack & Meg have done well, they won a free trip for 2 to a private beach & also a bottle of champagne.

Wednesday, October 18


Well, we had a lovely, serene trip with Virgin & Alamo arriving on the Atlantic coast at 6pm. Michelle's group not so good. They went the day before us - took off nicely, got to Bristol and Sahara sand got in the engines and returned to Gatwick - passenger had a fit on the plane, welcome paramedics on to plane - finally got going again to have child medical emergency in the middle of the Atlantic - land in Bermuda for overnighter - still don't make good progress & finally land in Orlando after 10pm - check-in Universal resort around midnight.

Nice pictures of Beth and the latest 4 generations of family ladies. Michelle & co now in Hogwarts, probably exhausted. Lessons - go to Michelle's do's but don't travel with her.

Monday, October 16


Been off for years, but going again. Started on this old bus, but what will be next. Wait & watch this space.