Monday, February 19


We'ved moved hotels down to the Verdado district. This is a newer area, well it was in the 50's, that had embassies and bigger properties. The Malecon is a coastal stretch that could be brilliant but is too run down. The hotel we are in is a bit like the Tower of Terror, including dodgy lifts. Still it's very nice. The breakfast buffet was fantastic - it had everything, just like on a cruise, only better - free champagne for Lin. Dinner buffet equally as good. We've been bashing the mohitos, drink prices are very good. The weather's been top notch, so good that my hat caught fire today. Everything is really tatty around us, although there is some investment going on, we wandered down to the Melia Cohiba Hotel which is very nice. Next door is the Riviera Hotel which harks back to the Mafia days of Godfather 2. Locals all out playing baseball this morning.


Today started normally, breakfast good, lifts have a mind of their own. Went for a walk and came across the US embassy which looks like it's under siege. Strolled back lunch time, went upstairs - couldn't get in room. Down to reception, new key, back up - didn't work. Back down, back up, new key BD, BU - same result. New key, Franc comes up with us, key doesn't work. Maid key works. BD, BU this time with Gaston-the-maintenance. Yet another new key, complete re-program, BU, BD, - door opens, safe opens but no electricity when you put in wall box. BD, BU with Franc, this time 2 keys. This works the lights OK, we just have to have 2 keys. Not being able to open safe was potential nightmare, no money, tickets or passports when we leave tomorrow. I see Paul's first car ended up over here.

Sunday, February 18


We'ved moved hotels down to the Verdado district. This is a newer area, well it was in the 50's, that had embassies and bigger properties. The Malecon is a coastal stretch that could be brilliant but is too run down. The hotel we are in is a bit like the Tower of Terror, including dodgy lifts. Still it's very nice. The breakfast buffet was fantastic - it had everything, just like on a cruise, only better - free champagne for Lin. Dinner buffet equally as good. We've been bashing the mohitos, drink prices are very good. The weather's been top notch, so good that my hat caught fire today. Everything is really tatty around us, although there is some investment going on, we wandered down to the Melia Cohiba Hotel which is very nice. Next door is the Riviera Hotel which harks back to the Mafia days of Godfather 2. Locals all out playing baseball this morning.

Friday, February 16


Checked out, had couple of hours to spare. Took buggy ride with driver who hated the regime. Said they couldn't have Macdonald's but had MacCastros instead. He says the whole place is a shambles with no freedoms. Took us to a load of local places we wouldn't find. Pretty interesting.


This is our last night downtown, tomorrow we move to the coast & take our earplugs out. Today was the ballet followed by the classic car tour which was excellent. Went to cigar store, rum place, China town with no Chinese, cemetery, the voodoo forest, revolution square, Make on, John Lennon with stolen glasses & much more. Our guide, Ennedy, was excellent with loads of social information & what makes the Cubans tick. Just had dinner and too many Havana Clubs, back in with the earplugs.

Wednesday, February 14


Been out & about. Went to Revolution Museum where they are very rude to Americans. My Spanish translator app not working well so I may be rude also. Bumped into people from our flight today in the street. Drink is cheap, so mohitos on the hotel roof. The museum was in Batista's palace very swanky & nice view. Just going out to hotel cafe on the pavement to dink more & get ready for dinner. Hotel interesting, complimentary water, internet cards & a bottle of rum. They know how to keep guests happy. Looks like parcel delivery is a problem here. I wonder how TNT would cope, Paul

Tuesday, February 13


First day in Havana. We're staying in Hotel Inglaterra right in town and it's very buzzy. Earplugs de rigeur in bed. It's the oldest hotel in Havana with lots of original features. The cold tile floors are great in this hot weather. Havana is a town of contrasts - you have the magnificent Capitol building & next door the buildings are a shambles, held up by wooden beams. You will know that Cubans keep their Yankee cars going for ever, but you can also find Triumph Heralds & Ford Anglias - that's something for Mark. The scissors are a tribute to Havana's 500th anniversary sent by the hairdressers of the world. Did Michelle send hers?  Not only do they keep the Yankee cars going, there are loads of Ladas, Moskvitches & Jawas here in good order from the 70's. Good communist product you see. The self propelled gun is the one Fidel used to shell the USS Houston in the bay of pigs.

Monday, February 12


Going good, door to thru security in 2 hours. On way to Cuba, but brekkie in Lebanese cafe.

Turning off water tricky with cover frozen to pavement. Have to piddle on it next time.

Going out of contact, phone & internet poor in Cuba.

Friday, February 9

Thursday, February 8


Planning head on. We had some air miles to burn, it's chilly here & some sun, blue sky & warmth would be nice.

So far we have sorted out a free walking tour, ballet & a vintage car trip.

Where are we going, can you guess?

Havana, Cuba.

BTW, does your lock meet BS3632?