Wednesday, July 31


Early flight, silly-o-clock up. Taxi to London Heathrow went with no hitches. We had pre-ordered duty free that got us additional money off. The discount also applied to anything we added to the bill before paying. Linda added to the bill! It's a good deal to pre-order as you pay on collection, if you are delayed, or cancel, no pay.

We had fast track security & BA Lounge, which is all very nice. It's 6:30, had breakfast & now chilling watching the aircraft landing.

Flight was great, very smooth & on time. Basel airport not so good, board said go to carousel 2. Suddenly board went blank & our flight appeared on carousel 3. Stampede to carousel 3, everyone waits expectantly... 10 minutes later.... the bags appear on 2. Swiss precision? Swiss roll? no.... Swiss shambles. Now on boat, all lovely, had lunch & drinks and it's only 1:15. We are docked on an interesting bit of shore, it's the point where France, Germany & Switzerland all meet. Interesting border control.

Some poor sausages flew Wolverhampton, Frankfurt, Basel. Nice flight, they said but the luggage didn't make it

Sunday, July 28


Not much action in the blog lately but about to set off on a river cruise, Basel to Amsterdam on the Rhine with a detour on the Model to the vineyards. Being doing other things.

Western dramas in middle England;  lunch at oldest Indian restaurant in London; short break in a motor museum in the Cotswolds; In vintage aircraft, vintage buses, vintage teams & yes, Caribbean islands.