Sunday, April 13


Here we are in Canberra, Australia's capital. The Sydney motorways can be a bit of a minefield, some of them are toll roads, with no cash booths, only taking E Passes. That would be a bit of a bugger arriving at one of them in the middle of the rush hour just imagine! As per normal we arrive when there is some big event going on and rooms are at a premium. We fell on our feet this time and got a smashing suite, 3 rooms our own fully eqipped kitchen w/ dishwasher, washing machine and drier, £65 per night.

Canberra seems a bit of strange town, the very large centre built around the lake is totally dedicated to the parliament and other public buildings - so it is bit dead at the weekend. There also appear to be some homeless here squatting around and we met a guy with a llama on a leash at the old parliament building raising money for them - he was getting a free breakfast on the parliament house lawn, the llama not the man! All the embasies are here, all very snazzy, see picture.

We spent some time up at the war memorial, which is a bit like a combination of the cenotaph in Whitehall and the Imperial War Museum. A piper closed the memorial for the day playing Flowers of the Forest - Wee Bob would have felt at home. We have also been to the new and old parliament buildings, also nice places to visit with lots to see and free guided tours. We have both enjoyed Canberra, it comes highly recommended.

That's Linda with Simpsons donkey - I wonder how Peter is getting on!

I am fighting a losing battle in my pie quest. Ever since we met the other Brit couple in Airlie, who told us about the great home made curry pies with mushy peas on top, I have been searching, but without any joy. Its a bit like my eels quset in London. I don't think I am going to be successful in Ayers Rock, its not pukka abo tucker ( theres a mishmash of lingo for you), perhaps I will have more luck in Melbourne or Ballarrat.

We are setting off tomorrow to drive up the Grand Pacific Drive along the coast passing through Shell Harbour, Jervis Bay, Woolongong and back to Sydney.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Up until I saw the photo of the spider, I was feeling quite envious. Love the photos and comentries. Have you ever thought of applying for 'Wish You Were Here'? I think you might need another holiday to get over this one. Wishing you both well and safe. XXX Susan