Wednesday, May 7

FIJI ; Heaven & Hell

Flew into Fiji last night. Good ANZ flight, super sunset, purple band on one side, fiery orange on the other as the sun went down. We were on an Airbus, funny that ANZ runs both Boeings & Airbuses.

Arived Nadi airport, Fiji 6:55, 3 planes had arrived, 3 immigration staff on duty, 2 customs lines operating, coach transfer over single carriageway, poorly maintained roads, police road blocks, every village has speed bumps, arrived hotel 10:45 - Result hell!

Resort runs on Fiji time (relaxed so time goes slow), resort is in lagoon with barrier reef 150m off shore, shaded by coconut palms, everyone friendly & welcoming, corner room with balcony overlooking the lagoon, food, drinks ice cream smashing - Result heaven! ......Bula. Really laid back and unwinding now, spent day on the lounger catching up with my books. About to spend hour on the balcony with Johnny Walker as sun goes down.

Lin owes me at least 100 spider removals. She had a salamander visit her in the shower, I heard the sqealing and rescued LIn (salamander?) Hero and in good books now. Lets see what it's worth.

2 man ( how sexist!) Kayak paddle with Lin over the barrier reef, Lin loved it. I snorkelled out as well, lots of fish, wrasse, angels, discos and I also saw a sea snake, about 45cm long, blackish and yellow bands. Jack can identify.

Dinner out on the Island, looked like we are in a boxing ring, but taking all into account, if Carling did dinners, this would probably be the best dinner this holiday - scenery, on the barrier reef looking back to the beach, singing waiters, smashing Mahi Mahi, fish swimming next to our table begging for food, great all round.

The people here are all realy nice, it's such a lovely island, I would return if in the vicinity. Getting ready to return to the hell of the airport, but we've ditched the coach for a cab! Just heard someones blown up the court house at our next destination, San Diego.

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