Tuesday, June 24

Final Review - Its a wind up!

We have been back home for a couple of weeks, trying to get settled in and have had time to reflect and ponder. Its difficult to write a review after so long but here are some bullets about the whole deal.
1. Would we do it again - Definitely, we are thinking of a different route next time, perhaps China, Pacific Islands, South America, Africa
2. Where did we like best - Difficult, this is how I can best put it
#Rajahstan in India was fantastic, the places we visited were great but the historic train made it so easy. It might be harder driving around.
#Preferred Aus to NZ
#Liked E coast Aus better than W coast Aus, really enjoyed the run up the coast and swimming on the Gt Barrier
#Melbourne more than Sydney
#Uluru, Ayers Rock overrated
#There is no wild life in Australia
#Kiwis don't exist
#Pacific islands are nicer than Carribbean
#Take less clothes & more money
3. Would you do things differently next time. - If we went the same countries, we would go to Kerula in India, more far east countries, miss out W Aus, make sure you are in NZ S Island when the weather is good, tour whole NZ in one go.
4. Hotels - pre-booking first nights stay on arrival and then booking as we went worked well, no real problems. Look for deals direct with hotels, I got some better deals than were available with agents on Internet.
5. Tripadvisor was good but read between lines and who is writing - what is good for a teenage backpacker may not be good fro a silver surfer.
6. Car Hire - watch out for the rip off insurance coverage provided by hire companies to get rid of excesses. You can get it for one third the cost with reputable insurers, book before you hire.
Hope you found this enjoyable/useful - I certainly enjoyed writing it. If you want any advice Email me on wally_spooner@blueyonder.co.uk

1 comment:

STAG said...

I certainly enjoyed following you on your journey.

My next tour will be to Belgium, I believe, or maybe Malta.