Sunday, March 15

Lovely, Lovely Time

Spent a glorious couple of days lunching in the Disney resorts, below is the Grand Floridian, which is a beautiful 20's themed resort. The staff are all dressed in plus 4's & the boats that take you from place to place on the lake are replica steam yachts, all mahogany & brass. We have been lunching at different Disney places, the Yacht Club, Waves at the Contemporary. We have had a fantastic time with our good friends, Dotty & Ray, ending up at Epcot on Friday. It was  a great day, the weather ideal, high 80's a little breeze & no humidity. Epcot was beautiful, in full flower, lots of food, gardening demonstrations & talks. The only downside was I got mugged by the pollen resulting in my legs breaking out in rashes bleeding under the skin - hey ho, nothing a bit of steroid cream can't fix.

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