Friday, April 3

The Mysterious Wedge

Peter & Pam came over to visit the other day. Pam & Lin went shopping and Pete & I golfed. We played at Kissimmee. I don't know if all the historic military aircraft taking off & landing disturbed Peter but a saga of Norse proportions followed. Firstly I had no putter. No real shock as I put my clubs into store & then discovered the set in the house had no putter, duh! About half way round Peter lost the PW. After extensive bag & strip search it was found in MY bag. The searchlight of guilt shone in my face (even though I hadn't been using it.). 20mins later it happened again. I was subjected to extensive cross exam & verbal torture. I didn't crack. On 17th tee, guess what? Yup. My bag was searched & Pete's bag was searched. No joy. And again, and again same result! We set and arrived at the green. Pete goes round the back to discover PW in his bag. More cross exam & after 10mins I cracked & had to admit to everything. My eardrums were so bruised, I could stand no more. What could go wrong with only 18th to go. As we loaded the clubs into the cars I told Pete to check his clubs & the nightmare was finally over. 2 days later, relaxing in the bath after a swim Pete comes on the phone. You got it - the PW is missing. Search parties are out - helicopters are in the air - spy satellites are being repositioned. My only chance is to check the bag in my garage, and there it is. I told you Norse - I thing Loki was around but I wish Pete was more like Honir.

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