Sunday, May 3

Leave Allure. Arrive Barca

I forgot to finish the ladybird story. They were all over the place on a frantic mating event. There were gang bangs going on all over the place - on the decks, on the bars & on the backs of GOW sleeping fraulines. Lin told me they are so sex mad, they have their own version of VD. The last day on the ship was good, we chilled, went to the ice show. The skating was terrific. Lin was chatting to a Yank who was moaning about his wife sleeping a lot, saying she could do that at home for free. Anyway I glanced at him half way through the show and he was sound-oh. Guess what the music the dance was to - Nessum Dorma, check it out! Up at 5am, off by 7. Left bags at hotel, got T10 travel ticket, wandered the city, got 9:15pm tickets for La Pedrera night tour. Arrived hotel midnight & exhausted.

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