Thursday, January 7


Went out with Rob yesterday to celebrate Mel's 70th. What could go wrong, you ask? (well I asked on your behalf, just in case you didn't!) Mel clearly told us the pub to meet in with exemplary directions. So Wal & Rob go to the wrong pub. Half hour later we realise & find the correct place. Mel researched the Indian we were to attend, sent web links, all for our later enjoyment. So we found it had closed down. With old persons flexibility we googled a replacement just around the corner in City Road (not the Eagle of nursery fame) After a good evening with Mel & his boys we left in good spirits, Rob was a bit tipsy but we caught the train. Two stations into a journey, Mel leaps up & flies off the train shouting he had left his gloves, scarf & presents at the restaurant. I think Rob got off at the right station, leaving Mr Smug to complete his journey. All went smoothly until Mr Smug glanced out the train & saw he was already 3 stops past his destination. Duh! So, half hour later after another train & walk I got in.

We need to add to the old mans mantra. 1. Never walk past a toiler. 2. Never trust a fart. 3. Never waste a hard on. 4. Take someone with a brain when you go for a night out.

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