Wednesday, April 13


A nudder daydun. Last night we went to the engine room bar after dinner. It's right at the back and has round windows behind the stage through which you can see the paddle wheel turning. The captain and another officer came down & had a guitar session with the resident group. Really good session of rock & pop music.
The ship was built 1995, but has original stuff from other paddlers. Steam engines from 1937, fire places from 1860's homes, chandelier from 1904 St Louis world fair, from Budweiser display. The whole boat is faithfully re-created in period style. Today we HOHOed in St Francisville. This was a town that was built to replace Bayou Sara which was was washed away by the river. Every time we leave we play the steam organ (calliope?) Apparently you can hear it from 5 mile away. I can believe it sitting under the pipes.

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