Tuesday, June 20


2 days sailing, due to arrive Co'hagen Tuesday at 2pm. Sailings been great,  calm and pretty warm for the N Sea, you could actually sit outside with no problem. Food great, shows great. They have changed the ship since we last said with a gastropub (never sure about this title, makes me think enteritis) and sushi restaurant. We have been eating in Blu, one of the specialty restaurants that comes free with our booking, as does drinks & tip. Trying not to drink ourselves sillier than we are. Met up with a variety of nice people over dinner. Chilling wonderfully, not getting up until 10am, how decadent. Sounds just right for Des! Pictures are of Elsinore castle, Shakespeare stuff & the usual rubbish. Nice sail away, drinks and good band by the pool. BTY, the free Euro roaming seems good, so you should be able to Email us OK.

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