Friday, March 23

AIRMILES TO SEVILLE (lost in ether)

What a lovely place. Had to battle with snow & muppets on M25, broken down Mercs in middle lane, crashes and the stupid NumPlateRecog in car park. Made it on to BA flight. Seats so cramped 9in between seat back your seat cushion. Steward person was 5miles short of a free flight, when I asked for black coffee, she asked whether I wanted cappuccino - duh. Bus from airport good, hotel v.nice in Jewish district, which is a maze of narrow alleys that Google maps cannot penetrate. Wandered the town to the parasol which Linda hips could not negotiate. Spent afternoon on guided tour in the Alcazar, which is fantastic. It is a moorish, then Christian palace with wonderful gardens. Spent the evening on slap-up meal in the oldest restaurant in Seville. 2morrow on river cruise, then guided tour round our hotel, followed by getting sloshed again. It is the only solution to the IBS, I can't tell if it's that or the booze that's giving me the shits. On balance I prefer the booze.

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