Friday, June 29


More art today, in fact so much that we abandoned it for a ride on the tram to the suburbs and more time drinking & eating. The queues for the Duomo were ridiculous, so despite having tickets, we declined. Ditto for Uffizi Gallery. Instead went into St John's baptistry which had the art ceiling, great bronze doors & no crowds. The Duomo museum was lovely too, showing the construction & story of the Duomo over the years. It had the last Michaelangelo statue which he sculpted for his own tomb, didn't like it & smashed it up. Perhaps because he did the hands too big again, should have gone to Specsavers! Visited Santa Maria Novella which had interesting cloisters, the Spanish chapel built for Cosimo's missus had a wall of catholic glories, claiming it was responsibly for inventing everything, justice, maths, science - the lot. Above the inventors images, Ptolemy, Aristotle etc were young women in different poses, which is unusual for catholic churches, they don't usually like women who are not saints depicted. A bit of research revealed that they are not real women but simply allegories of the science or art depicted.

All that & we ay Colombia next week.

Wednesday, June 27


Michaelangelo, that is. After yesterday's fail at Uffizi, got up earlier to go to Academia, where some of the big M's work is on display. Look at David, has he got the hands right, they look well out of proportion to me. The big draws like the Uffizi, Academia & Duomo are massively crowded with queues of hundreds waiting to get in, but those other places we visited have wonderful works of art. The Pitti, yesterday had Rubens, Van Dykes, Titian's and we went to Optificio Pietre  Dure place today. PD is where you cut hard stone like marble, malachite in thin wafers, cut out shapes & inlay them into marble to form table tops. The intricacy is unbelievable and we saw some work on a vase where the cut out shapes are curved as well, beautiful. We visited the oldest church, San Lorenzo, built around 390. The market was great, a proper working market. After taking ourselves to bed to recuperate, we visited Bobili Gardens in the evening, before dinner. These are the the gardens of Pitti Palace of the Medici. Bobili was the earlier owner and were crusaders of St Johns Hospitalers. Getting exhausted & my hair is showing it!


Busy here, after a nice leisurely breakfast on the roof overlooking the city went to the Uffizi art gallery. Heaving, even with our priority passes. Went instead to Palazzo Ponte Vecchio which was lovely & no crowds. Chilled in a bar and then went to Pitti Palace. Both PPV and PP were homes of Cosimo di Medici, who was the big wheel who became king in the 1200's. Had loads-a-money and splashed it around. Took the bus up the big hill to Piazza Michelangelo, which has super views over the town & ice cream coffees to die for.

Tuesday, June 26


Journey to airport OK, but learnt new things re tube - in rush hour you can't access Central Line at Liverpool St through main entrance, only through side entrance next to platform 1. At Bank, access to DLR is down narrow stairs in between up escalators. Not recommended with heavy luggage.

City Airport is small, but perfectly formed. Can't say the same of BA, flight delayed 1.5 hours, then they said flight is heavily book so volunteer to give up your cabin luggage for small perks. People volunteered, we boarded and then the Captain said it took so long to load cabin luggage we missed our time slot for tsk off, another 1 hour delay sitting on runway - lovely! Aircraft is Embraer 190, which is a narrow 2x2 seat cabin, twin jet & very comfortable.

View is from hotel restaurant.