Wednesday, June 27


Michaelangelo, that is. After yesterday's fail at Uffizi, got up earlier to go to Academia, where some of the big M's work is on display. Look at David, has he got the hands right, they look well out of proportion to me. The big draws like the Uffizi, Academia & Duomo are massively crowded with queues of hundreds waiting to get in, but those other places we visited have wonderful works of art. The Pitti, yesterday had Rubens, Van Dykes, Titian's and we went to Optificio Pietre  Dure place today. PD is where you cut hard stone like marble, malachite in thin wafers, cut out shapes & inlay them into marble to form table tops. The intricacy is unbelievable and we saw some work on a vase where the cut out shapes are curved as well, beautiful. We visited the oldest church, San Lorenzo, built around 390. The market was great, a proper working market. After taking ourselves to bed to recuperate, we visited Bobili Gardens in the evening, before dinner. These are the the gardens of Pitti Palace of the Medici. Bobili was the earlier owner and were crusaders of St Johns Hospitalers. Getting exhausted & my hair is showing it!

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