Thursday, May 30


Trying to recuperate, had a lay-in & big Scottish breakfast. Went down to the beach & then on to Footdee. You work out how to say it. Footdee is an old group of fisherman's cottages. Some of them are really tiny. That one with the for sale board went for £30k in 2005 & £187k in 2017. Not bad eh? We walked through the dockyard to the maritime museum which focuses on fishing & the oil industry. The story of Piper Alpha was something. A maintenance man was working on pump B, couldn't finish it, capped off the pipe & left a note to not use the pump. During the next shift, pump A failed & control didn't know about the note switched to pump B. This blew the cap & started to pump oil & gas into the platform. They didn't isolate neighbouring fields which continued to pump through Alpha. This all ignited & completely destroyed the platform, the people in the sea & the nearby rescue boats. Some years later a trawler pulled up the locker of one of the few survivors which still contained his personal effects. It's still freezing here, about 9degrees this morning & a cold wind, so we went to the Winter Garden in Duthie Park. Very nice.

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