Tuesday, April 11


Flight to Florida not too good - BA delayed flight by over 4 hours so didn't get out of the airport and to hotel until after midnight. Jetlagged & not sleeping too well.

Got a nice hire car this time, Cadillac 4 wheel drive, powerful, loads of bells whistles we can't work. Unlike the Volvo when you put the car in difficulties, collision, parking etc, it gives the seat a good vibrate to warn you. Playing hell with my piles.

First time in La Quinta hotel, and it's good, big rooms nice outlook over the lake, free brekkie, very quiet, centrally located next door to SeaWorld.

Been to Disney Springs today which has now finished it's upgrade - very nice. Thought we'd done with Lego, but no. Lego Mickey, Elsa & Anna (or is it Arna) 

Ask Elsie for me, she knows. Weather great but big rain coming.

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