Wednesday, October 18


Journey proceeding, but not completely smoothly. Persistent rain in A Coruña, which we managed to dodge OK. Nice little port town with decent promenades to walk around the harbour. A town that has seen conflict with English, first Francis Drake who attacked the town with his fleet - that statue celebrates a Spanish heroine who killed some of the attackers, second the British army who fought with the Spanish against Napoleon. The English general Sir John Moore is buried in a local cemetery.

Lisbon, always a nice place to visit, we took a bus down to the Aquarium which is purported to be the best in the World. I don't know about that - Monterey in California was better for me, but it is up there with massive 3 storey tanks that give great views. Their version of Christ the Redeemer on the way out of the harbour is impressive.

Weather has taken a turn for the worse, big storm (Babet?) took us on a southerly diversion on the way to the Azores that caused us to arrive at 8pm instead of 9am. Sea pretty bumpy & high winds across the deck was spinning up mini waterspouts in the swimming pool. We went ashore in Porta Delgada but the Wally walking tour wasn't as good in the dark. Left around 1:30am and now have to make up lost time to arrive in Fort Lauderdale on schedule - weather permitting.

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