Sunday, August 4


Continuing northward up the Rhine then turning left on the Mosel. Mainz, a peaceful, smallish city with a lovely market with beautiful fruit, veg & flowers. Walked to the cathedral, then up the hill to the Catholic Saint Stephan's church that boasted a full set of Marc Chagall stained glass windows. Interesting when Chagall was a Russian Jew. Went cycling along the Rhine to see some new dockland modern developments & older boat club communities. Couldn't face the climb up the stairs to cross the bridge to the other bank.

Wine tasting at Rudesheim at the Johannisberg winery. Too much tasting for me, but Lin loved it. They had a lockup where they kept their best vintages, some back to the 1700's. Nice cruise through the Rhine gorge - many castles & little reverside towns. Won the movie quiz - not down to me, we had some good team members. More Johannisberg bubbly.

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