Sunday, January 11

Guests Galore I

They're here!!!! Went to pick up Sue and Len at the airport. Linda was anxious, so we had to leave early. Len looked a real picture in his full flight tights, a bit Max Wall, if you remember him Their plane was delayed, still, better than Lesley & Steve - Last Choice cancelled their flight altogether! Weather has been strange again - very summer like, high heat - high humidity - showers. .

Sue & Len have been enjoying their first day - they are soooo jet lagged that come 8:30 in the evening they are doing good impersonations of zombies. Richard, Laura & team left today - another 2 hour delayed flight. Must be global warming causing it.

We finally saw the shuttle launch. Every time we have tried a shuttle event we have failed, from the landing we planned to see when the shuttle burnt out during re-entry and the last night launch where it was cancelled in the last minute of countdown and the Hubble repair, where they couldn't get the puncture repair outfit working. Pretty spectacular - it is so bright at night you can barely see the shuttle - pretty loud as well, the sound hits you seconds after you see the launch. Do you remember the Yanks wouldn't let Concorde fly because of noise, must have changed the regulations since then

Been ICING at Gaylord Palms. This is an annual event where a team of Chinese sculptors come over and create massive ice sculptures in the convention centre. The convention centre is kept at 23 degrees below freezing, which is quite an achievement considering it has been over 25 deg C during the day. I think they use over 2 million pounds of ice, which is 100 tonneish in real speak. The pictures tell the story. The Gaylord has a massive atrium, big enough to contain 4 restaurants, a castle, a swamp, a sailing boat on a lake(?) full of sea fish in which they run a Christmas show of song, dance, smoke, and a light display, v nice.

Eating too much, but getting some golf in - next guests play golf so perhaps there will be more of that to come.

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