Saturday, January 26

The Project!

Its January in the UK, the days are short, the nights(and days) are dark. Too cold for fishing, can break the ice but my butt freezes too easily these days. So.... what to do? A project what else. My PC is getting long in the tooth - Win2K, 256K RAM, it all spells frustration. Go out and buy a PC( or MAC) in the sales. No way Jose, much too simple. I have decided to have a bash at building a machine using the remains of the old Win2K beast. I have seen "experts" saying this is possible, even a good idea, so lets see.

I started by the usual anal research using my thoughts on a functional requirements list.

1. Play TV off air, freeview or freesat. Record same - must have a decent EPG. Watch  while recording. HD if poss.
2. Has to sit in the living room., noise issues, control issues, eyes not too bright these days.
3. Play photos - decent organisation, must be able to set up a reasonable structure.
4. Play my music, decent quality sound, not the best but not squeaky rubbish. I'm a bit mutt as well as dodgy sight.
5. Play catchup TV in the UK, same EPG to cope with both
6. Must be able to link with other PC's upstairs, Window 7 and XP at the mo.
7. Thinking to do the office type things on the PC's upstairs, and download what ever's to the living room PC.
8. Play disk media - DVD's CD's
9. Play stick media, USB

Anyway I am off and running, I will post on my thoughts and progress with piccies from time to time. Any thoughts from like-minded people out there always welcome.

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