Friday, November 17


Whatever Michelle has must be contagious, cos we caught travel disaster. Started when Virgin sent an Email advising of 2hour delay in departure. Still had to give up hire car at same time so extra hours at terminal. Since the deal of Virgin with Delta we had to use the Delta terminal. Doesn't sound bad but it is not too big and doesn't have much in it. The upside is combined with our already TSA approved status we waltz through security. About 2 hours in we get a gate change and have to move to a miserable little crowded gate at one end. We find out this is because the plane is late, but mind known late for at least 15 hours, it is going to be parked remotely and we will have to bus over to it. Sounds easy - not. Another hour delay and we get called and descend on escalator to a jammed up room where people can't get out cos no buses yet. People piling off bottom with massive carry-ons and no room. Get on bus, drive miles, climb steep slope, great for pensioners with massive cases. We get seated and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait. It turns out the next bus's got lost and off loaded their passengers somewhere else. Thank goodness for free champagne. Once we found the missing herd (collective noun for airplane passengers) we got underway and the journey was uneventful. Just booked doctor for immunization against Michelle travel disease. By-the-by Long Beach was very nice.

Monday, November 13


Long Beach delightful. Free bus from hotel to town. Nice marinas and promenades around the shore. Good shops and lots going on. Went to the aquarium, but not too good, very crowded. It's veterans day here and the has been live music and loads of people, but no real problems. Will fly home tomorrow, long flight, over 10 hours. 

Saturday, November 11


Drove up from San Diego avoiding toll roads, quite an achievement. We spent the night on Queen Mary. Very large cabin but sound insulation has come a long way in the 80 years since QM2 built. You could everything from flies being zipped to gobbing in the loo. We even had a wedding party on board - buff said. Doing a couple of tours on board, Glory Days & Ghost Hunting. Let's see what we find. Hols coming to an end quick now, can't wait to get back to sunny warm England. Just drinking some tea on deck & we have some "Influential Women" do going. They may be influential, but they are sure having problems influencing their 6in spikes & platforms.

Friday, November 10


Still nice here, one piccie  for Chris, all to do with ships today. Can do tall ship sailing here at weekends.

Thursday, November 9


In San Diego, weather very good, 21 degrees, no humidity. Getting off boat was excellent, customs came on board to clear us at leisure, so no long lines. Hotel had free shuttle to Balboa Park, which is beautiful. While there we had "attack of the killer grannies" That had motorised wicker bath chairs & were totally out of control. Some had ploughed up a chairs, toddlers & waste bins on the front.

Monday, November 6


Back to back days at sea, laid in after the early up to Guatamala (5:50am madness). They like fly kites here for all sorts of occasions - the guide says he flies his when he visits the cemetery, I'm gonna try it when I get back. Perhaps Claire could introduce it on Co-op funerals. You can see a kite in the picture of the lunch restaurant. We have had a wildlife day today, seen dolphins playing at the front of the boat, fish, turtles & birds. We have had a few of the loyalty freebies, officers cocktail party, high tea on top of the nonstop eating & drinking. Arrive Mexico tomorrow, andeleh, andeleh!


Pacific cruising up the Mexican coast, visited Puerto Vallata & Cabo St Lucas. Both nice places but it is sooooo hot. We stayed on board, enjoying the peace & quiet - must be getting old or something. Been getting ourselves around the free cocktails. Yesterday was Guy Fawkes and I spent some time at the officers party explaining how we like to burn Catholics & dance around the flames. I don't think they got it. Chatted to the singers from the evening show, Brit boy, Texan girl. He went to school & trained in Palmers Green.

Thursday, November 2


Here we are in Guatamala, visiting an old city that was evacuated in 1750's because of earthquake. Just as we arrived a nearby volcano started erupting- just our luck. Anyway having a nice time, the city of Antigua is very nice. Currently in jade shop chatting to woman who re-discovered jade after the Spanish conquistadors dismissed it as idolatry. She found a massive lump weighing about 50 pounds, must be worth millions.


After a day at sea, Halloween, and a single malt tasting, we did our own tour walking through the rain forest canopy and then checking out the local crocs. The guide was top notch, he gave us a good run down on what it's like in Costa Rica and was really knowledgeable about wild life. He captured leaf cutter soldier ants, forest toads and lizards to talk about. We have a number of pushy Germans on board who hog the sun beds and keep shushing Linda. You know the sort of thing, anyway despite us being there first on the river trip, they rushed to the front of the queue. Our guide outflanked them and reserved us the best seats on the boat. Massive lightning storm on the boat, saw howler monkeys, hawks and loads of beautiful bird varieties. Then we met Madonna, she is a 15 foot croc. The guy attracted her by splashing the water, she came like a rocket and pursued him on the mud bank. The only defence he had was a couple of bits of fish to distract her. 

The whisky tasting was too good - 3 Macallans & Highland Park. The oldest was £45 a shot. Had 8 whisky's before bed and had to get up 6:30 for your. Not in best of form.


Left Colon last night, wonder if the Panamanians know this is a bit of my bum. They tell me it's named after Chris Columbus, I can't work it out. Anyway, we sailed through the night to arrive for first lock transit at 7am. It's all a little over-hyped. It works just like all the locks we have in the UK, just a bit bigger. The operation is pretty slick with 6 locos keeping you in position & you go through speedily. The locks fill with water & you rise quickly. Took just over an hour to get through the 3 locks. The lakes we are sailing through are very nice with lots of densely forested islands, a few birds but not too much wildlife in evidence.


We have been on shore wandering around Cartagena, Colombia. Getting off the boat was awful - queue after queue after queue. Once off, the weather was ropey. Pouring of rain, the drains don't work so 6inch deep rivers in the roads, humidity 90%, 90 deg C. The town is quite picturesque, with old balconied houses, forts and Catholic centres of torture. Very pleasant. The town was populated by hawkers, 3 for every tourist, great fun. Saw the actual body of saint someone in the church, may find out later who. Weather improved but getting back on the boat didn't. Stood 25 minutes outside waiting to board in by now much improved sunny weather. Humidity 85%, 95 degree C. Lovely.