Thursday, November 2


After a day at sea, Halloween, and a single malt tasting, we did our own tour walking through the rain forest canopy and then checking out the local crocs. The guide was top notch, he gave us a good run down on what it's like in Costa Rica and was really knowledgeable about wild life. He captured leaf cutter soldier ants, forest toads and lizards to talk about. We have a number of pushy Germans on board who hog the sun beds and keep shushing Linda. You know the sort of thing, anyway despite us being there first on the river trip, they rushed to the front of the queue. Our guide outflanked them and reserved us the best seats on the boat. Massive lightning storm on the boat, saw howler monkeys, hawks and loads of beautiful bird varieties. Then we met Madonna, she is a 15 foot croc. The guy attracted her by splashing the water, she came like a rocket and pursued him on the mud bank. The only defence he had was a couple of bits of fish to distract her. 

The whisky tasting was too good - 3 Macallans & Highland Park. The oldest was £45 a shot. Had 8 whisky's before bed and had to get up 6:30 for your. Not in best of form.

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