Friday, November 17


Whatever Michelle has must be contagious, cos we caught travel disaster. Started when Virgin sent an Email advising of 2hour delay in departure. Still had to give up hire car at same time so extra hours at terminal. Since the deal of Virgin with Delta we had to use the Delta terminal. Doesn't sound bad but it is not too big and doesn't have much in it. The upside is combined with our already TSA approved status we waltz through security. About 2 hours in we get a gate change and have to move to a miserable little crowded gate at one end. We find out this is because the plane is late, but mind known late for at least 15 hours, it is going to be parked remotely and we will have to bus over to it. Sounds easy - not. Another hour delay and we get called and descend on escalator to a jammed up room where people can't get out cos no buses yet. People piling off bottom with massive carry-ons and no room. Get on bus, drive miles, climb steep slope, great for pensioners with massive cases. We get seated and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait. It turns out the next bus's got lost and off loaded their passengers somewhere else. Thank goodness for free champagne. Once we found the missing herd (collective noun for airplane passengers) we got underway and the journey was uneventful. Just booked doctor for immunization against Michelle travel disease. By-the-by Long Beach was very nice.

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