Tuesday, April 24


Been lovely here all week. Finally recovered from the excesses of BA upgrade but not from jet lag. Watched Cat & girls jumping their steeds, v.good but dopey me failed to take a single photo - duh!
Did I say good weather, on skiday it turned a bit gloomy & by the time we arrived at resort, rain & slush plus low cloud. Never mind, intrepid family B & Walski set off, double knee braces & all, I don't know if family B knew what they were letting themselves in for. Every time I fell, couldn't get up, Fam B had to drag me up. You can see the results -grimacing faces behind me and Ell collapsed in the snow. I think I exhausted them, but they were too polite to say. Pocket rocket Soph is a demon, wiped me out without even breaking stride. I rejoined the geriatrics looking at the lovely view, I tucked them in and they were fine. We all spent a session in the Banff mountain Spa, v exhilarating - 39degC water & 0degC air. Girls rejected my Speedos, guess they will have to wait for cruise.

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