Tuesday, April 24


Went out for a run down to the Canadian plains. Big sky and it is all of that. Started at Elbow Falls which was just thawing but still had spectacular frozen bits. Linda slithered a bit but all good. We then went down to Black Foot territory, I knew I should have washed better, but with the stiff back, I can't reach my feet.
We reached the centre at Head-Bashed-In (I think that's what it's called), which is a museum about the history of the Indians & how they used to harvest the bison by persuading them to jump over the cliff & B their H in. They did it by dressing up as bison calves and wolves. You can see it worked cos Linda's searching for them with the bins with out any success. What we did find was all the bones after the H bashing In. We had a long chat with Edwin, one of the natives who works in the museum. He taught Paul the local dialect. You can test him when you see him next. It's great here at hotel Berridge, they really look after you great. They should open as a business. We did see some white tail deer and did manage to eat some super steak down the local restaurant. Linda looks happy. Next stop skiing, will Wally survive.

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