Wednesday, January 8


Wow! Frantic doesn't cover it. Trying to get ready to depart on our world trip in about 7 weeks time. We sorted out our route and flights last May, what could go wrong? Chose our path RTW carefully for a serene trip, crusing around the horn, railway journeys and small guided group on public transport around Japan. One of our stops is Hong Kong, advertised as a law abiding, peaceful place. Well, I've just ordered the riot gear and gas masks. Just as well 'cos Santiago in Chile, we're also visiting, is a hotbed of revolution against the government with riots, barricades and fires. Apart from that then, what more could go wrong? Well the travel agent, the oldest after Thomas Cook went broke in December. Luckily for us Cox & Kings was rescued with no problems for us, fingers crossed! Trying to book seat reservations with all the different airlines is fun. Some bookings are code shares with BA and confirming details like passport info is really difficult. Researching the detail is fun. I feel I need the internet when in Japan, what with funny alphabet & lingo. Rely on free public WiFi in the most advanced techno country in the world - no chance. OK, going on shinkansen (bullet train), book over the internet? No chance. Ah well, good job we've got a guide for the first part. I don't know how we are going to cope with the low tech stuff - paper walls, sleeping on the floor with wooden pillows. Let's see.

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