Friday, February 21


I was saying to Lin how fed up I was with riots in HK & Chile & problems sorting out the details. She said cheer up, things could be worse. So, I cheered up & sure enough things got worse. Corona virus, alias Covid19 got started. You can see our different approaches to personal protection, Lin likes fully blacked out mask with full VR, while I prefer lycra. The period since Xmas has been hell what with family health issues leaving Lin & I exhausted and way behind with preparation. The benefit with having GGS Leo for the week has been the fantastic increase in my knowledge of dinosaurs. Do dinosaurs fly - no. Jurassic Park should be called Cretaceous Park. No one knows what the letters in K-T boundary mean & the dinosaur with the shortest name is the Minmi. Our  first stop is Buenos Aires, Argentina. Someone told me that down there they like that orange drink that Butch used to advertise.

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