Thursday, February 27


I'm finished, so is Lin. Run to airport was good, apart from taxi driver falling asleep. Problem with British Airways, they had overbooked the flight, so swapped to a larger aircraft & seat numbers didn't correspond. This made boarding really slow and the 2 sweet seats I had booked and paid for turned in a cramped 3 seat where the outside person had sleeping sickness, no locker storage & had luggage all over the place, including on her lap. Net result we could never get out of our seats. Nightmare on 14 1/2 hour flight. Good news was we saw the last episode of The Confession which had been taken off of catch-up. Food indifferent on plane, didn't get much sleep. Landed on time but there was so much congestion in arrivals that shut off access to passport control. So, 2 hours after landing we finally got out. Buenos Aires seems very nice where we are, the hotel room is great, it's conveniently located to things we want to do & the port. It's hot 31 Celsius, 88 F for our US friends, but we chilled with beer & Argy beef at a pavement cafe & visited where Evita is resting. We are so tired that it's bedtime at 7pm, better shape 2morrow. Just watched Goobers live on TV - what a shambles. Just had a dulce de leche croissant & coffee to caffeine & sugar rush us to alerthood. It's not worked.

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