Saturday, February 29


Never got on to see our colon, fully booked. Did go into El Ateneo, which is a very grand theatre, converted to a book shop. We had tea on the stage. The big chrome thing is Floralis. It is a piece of art about 60 feet high, follows the sun & opens & shuts it's petals. Finally, we went for the big Argy steak, 1 1/2 inches thick cooked on BBQ grill. You just have to do it - very nice too. The currency is a pain here, raging inflation, can't get it before you arrive. Did discover that you can shop in Coto supermarket, pay in US Dollars & get change in peso. Food is good & pretty cheap. Transport is excellent but you need to have travel card as no cash accepted.


Not everything is sweetness & light in the cemetery. Johnny B Scannavino's lintel has come crashing down on the path. Couple of cwt  on your head would do you no good at all. There are also the low end crypts where you have to use the step ladder & manhandle the coffin in. Some are in complete disrepair with rubbish just packed inside while others are immaculate inside & out.


Recoleta cemetery in B Aires. Fantastic place, the mausaleums, statuary & artwork are something to see. Evita "lives" here, although she was first buried anonymously in Italy for fears that political opponents would use her in some way. The young girl was killed in avalanche in Austria just after her wedding. Family didn't want stone sculpture 'cos of association with the avalanche, do used bronze.  Dog died shortly afterwards. Ida's dropped her flowers.


Just in case COVID19 thwarts our journey plans we decided to try and get Japan done early by a visit to the local Japanese park. The Japs are so efficient - they change date in the floral planting every day - they let you know what your UV exposure is. The Japanese grub was good even if cutting up your fish with chopsticks was difficult. Good value here in BA as well. That meal for 2 was 25 quid, we also bought 2 bottles of wine for £2.50 in the local supermarket and 2 coffees with cake for £3. Try to get that in Enfield. Tomorrow we are going to try to into the colon!

Thursday, February 27


I'm finished, so is Lin. Run to airport was good, apart from taxi driver falling asleep. Problem with British Airways, they had overbooked the flight, so swapped to a larger aircraft & seat numbers didn't correspond. This made boarding really slow and the 2 sweet seats I had booked and paid for turned in a cramped 3 seat where the outside person had sleeping sickness, no locker storage & had luggage all over the place, including on her lap. Net result we could never get out of our seats. Nightmare on 14 1/2 hour flight. Good news was we saw the last episode of The Confession which had been taken off of catch-up. Food indifferent on plane, didn't get much sleep. Landed on time but there was so much congestion in arrivals that shut off access to passport control. So, 2 hours after landing we finally got out. Buenos Aires seems very nice where we are, the hotel room is great, it's conveniently located to things we want to do & the port. It's hot 31 Celsius, 88 F for our US friends, but we chilled with beer & Argy beef at a pavement cafe & visited where Evita is resting. We are so tired that it's bedtime at 7pm, better shape 2morrow. Just watched Goobers live on TV - what a shambles. Just had a dulce de leche croissant & coffee to caffeine & sugar rush us to alerthood. It's not worked.

Friday, February 21


I was saying to Lin how fed up I was with riots in HK & Chile & problems sorting out the details. She said cheer up, things could be worse. So, I cheered up & sure enough things got worse. Corona virus, alias Covid19 got started. You can see our different approaches to personal protection, Lin likes fully blacked out mask with full VR, while I prefer lycra. The period since Xmas has been hell what with family health issues leaving Lin & I exhausted and way behind with preparation. The benefit with having GGS Leo for the week has been the fantastic increase in my knowledge of dinosaurs. Do dinosaurs fly - no. Jurassic Park should be called Cretaceous Park. No one knows what the letters in K-T boundary mean & the dinosaur with the shortest name is the Minmi. Our  first stop is Buenos Aires, Argentina. Someone told me that down there they like that orange drink that Butch used to advertise.