Thursday, November 17


in the start of our day. Bad - didn't sleep well - Michelle left for work at 8, coming running back, "the pavement's smoking, it's on fire" I wandered out in my jammies, and it was from a BT cover. Rang BT, had to send a text, reply said get back to you in 20! Dialled 999, fire brigade turned up in 3 minutes - we should get the FB to fix our telephones. Covers off, big plume of smoke, pavement cordoned off for BT to fix. Good - cab turned up, 40 minutes to Heathrow, through security & sitting in cafe 20 minutes later. Bad - put glasses through scanner, put them back on, thought I had problems with the peepers, couldn't see properly. The lens had fallen out. Couldn't find it without my glasses. Cataract free Lin spotted it, now it just remains for me to fix them. Good - breakfast was delicious, bacon on toast & porridge oats with banana & honey.

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