Monday, November 21


You wouldn't think so judging by the photos, sunny, warm, calmish but the Captain came on the horn at lunchtime & told us Bermuda was cancelled & we would be calling somewhere else, yet to be negotiated. Apparently on course to Bermuda we would have encountered 5m wave following sea which would have made for slower speeds & uncomfortable sailing, so he is setting a different course further south. Apparently this ship is about Titanic size but we have only 300 passengers compared to 2500 but still have to avoid troubled waters.

Fixed my specs today, refitted the screw so can see things better now. Funnily enough as I got out the cab I saw a set of trodden smashed specs in the gutter which yielded me a spare screw to use.

We both slept like logs last, rocked to sleep like Isla.

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