Saturday, February 2

More Buying and - SCAMs

I have been researching media drives and the TV tuner card. I wanted some capability to use DVD's Blu Ray - to play and burn. It needs to be quietish, remember I am a bit mutt but other younger folks will need to use it as well. I am a little confused about speeds and what impact that has on the playing, recording experience. I narrowed the search down to a couple of contenders Pioneer BDR 208DBX and the LG BH16LS38. They both seem roughly equivalent in price and performance around £65. It seems the Pioneer has the edge on quietness - the proof will be in the spinning.

I looked at TBS, Blackgold and Hauppg..., Huapge...,  Hauppauge. The TBS and Blackgold seem broadly equivalent offering DVB-T2  (HD) in single twin and quad in the over air freeview. The Haupp, other one doesn't offer HD yet and I can't spell it so I discounted it. Looking at the blogs and comments I opted for the TBS PCI-E DVB-T2 Dual TV Tuner. I went for the twin tuner over the quad as I also considering a Freesat card option and I think there is a limit of tuners that the hardware/software can handle. Four is the limit number, I have in my mind.

I never pass through a stage without problems. This time it is web buying. I ordered the Blu ray drive from DABs and the Twin Tuner card from Amazon but sold by ARC UK. Sound reputable to you? I placed the orders and all seemed fine. Later that evening I started to get SMS txt's on my mobile. They were saying your order is ready for delivery, Text1 for this, 2 for that and 3, for something else. I wasn't expecting any deliveries just yet so I looked more closely. None of the txts has a correct reference number of any sort. My guess is that one or both of these companies is selling off your mobile number, the buyers try to get you "active" on texting which make their sale list more valuable. That may be a charitable interpretation, it could be you text the numbers and get stuck in some malicious virus, big phone bill or phishing scam. I am going to pursue the sellers and see what they have to say. I saw recently that two Birmingham got a £400K fine doing just this sort of thing with phone lists.

Anyway I am off to eat jellied eels, drink beer and watch the 6 nations, well someone has to do it!

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