Friday, February 1

Breakdown & Build Up

After sorting out the existing HDD data, I started to breakdown the old machine, HP Vectra VL800. This was fairly straight forward, most of the unscrewing, unclipping and hammering is pretty self evident. It seems a reasonable quality case.
This is the guts - you see the IDE parallel ribbon cables to the old ATA drives.  The ATA drives are in a sideways mounted cassette.
The ATA drives are not directly compatible with new ATX/SATA drives. They have different power connectors and serial interfaces with different connectors. You can buy IDE-SATA and SATA-IDE converter interfaces that handle both power and signal if you want to transfer your existing data. If you want speed, then you should really upgrade to SATA at 6G speed and not use the old ATA.
This is the connecting cable between the MoBo and the front panel LED's and on/off switch.
Needless to say it is not comapatible with the pin header on the ASUS MoBo. Searching that stupid interweb didn't yield any easy answers either from blogs or online stores. Apparently it is called 10-1 pin panel in the ASUS handbook. That didn't help either! Anyway I wandered down to my local Maplins this morning and found some simple single wires terminated with male/femail pins that seem to do the conversion job.
I have now re-assembled the new MoBo, new PSU and new HDD and connected them all together, along with the fan wires. The chassis has an old 3 pin cable fan which I have plugged into the PWR FAN socket. There is also a CHA FAN socket which I assume is for a chassis fan. It is 4 pin and may well be speed configurable by the MoBo to keep noise down. The CPU fan also seems controllable. I will crash into these hurdles at BIOS & setup time. lets wait until then.


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