Sunday, October 21


Left Corfu for an eventful 2 sea day trip to Gib. BTW, did you know Corfu was really close to Albania. You could get a 60mph hydrofoil ferry ticket very cheaply. Dunno if I want to visit unless my name was Wisdom.

On 2nd sea day ship changed course & Captain said we were doing a helievac for a sick passenger. They were winched off causing a 2 hour delay. Suited us as we didn't have to get up so early. Run in to Gib good as about 100 dolphins performed for us at breakfast.

I think Lin's trying to get rid of me as she put a snack in my ruck sack that the ape fancied, mugged me & ate my lunch. That's following the scissor episode with Italian security. The tour was good, up the rock, in the natural caves now used for concerts, the 1790 drive caves & the WW2 tunnels. It's Trafalgar day so the the RN is put in force, very patriotic here. Cheapest duty free - litre of scotch £7.

Lin's birthday so off to nice restaurant tonight before the show. 2 more seadays, then Southampton.
Signing off from Jabil Tariq.

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