Thursday, October 18


Kotor in Montenegro today, that's the country that always votes for Greece in EuroSong. Lovely morning run into port through narrow, steep sides valleys - very picturesque. Docked in port with royalty, the Queen Victoria & a Thompson boat. Thompson don't pay enough & the Queen has a fat backside, so we got the prime spot on the quayside. They both had to tender & Thomson was probably a mile away. Kotor is a tiny walled city so was heaving with 3000 visitors. Nice place & beer is pretty cheap. Saw dolphins feeding in the harbour, lots of fish around. Apparently there's a nice castle & church about a mile away, trouble is it's straight up 45 degree hill. You can see some intrepid travellers on the hillside in one of the photies. Not for us today in 27 celsius. But it is dinner on the deck under the stars tonight as we leave tonight. 

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