Wednesday, March 18


that's the land, not the dance. Well we sailed up from San Antonio to Valparaiso once we were not allowed to enter harbour. We have dropped anchor, but are still not allowed to dock. All the Chileans got off. You can see the guard boat keeping an eye on us. The Azamara Pursuit in the same situation has been following us around. I hear they're on their way to Miami. Because we are not docked, refueling a provisioning is all from barges which a difficult & slow process. To make things worse our provisions were in the wrong port & it has been slow getting them transfer & customs cleared. This has been  going on for 2 days but the captain announced this should be complete overnight and we should set sail to San Diego USA, where we have permission to dock. What happens when we get there is anyone's guess. Bussed to airport & straight on evacuation plane or quarantine on Alcatraz. There is a sort of wildness on board with lots of odd costumes - it's certainly very lively.

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