Sunday, March 15


Yesterday, Puerto Montt, today turmoil. We started off with bucketing rain that cancelled our tour up the the volcano and waterfalls, road washed out. So after some debate on the coach we went for the alternative of German village, town of roses and the fish market. All were great. We had coffee & German kitchen in the village which had been founded by Germans I'm the 19th century. Lutherans in a catholic country - wow! It was very nice there with an opera house on the banks of the massive lake, 50 klicks wide with the volcano on the opposite bank, but invisible in the cloud. I think it is really a Chilean marketing ploy, it doesn't really exist. The town of roses, Vargas was also very scenic, but the real star was the fish market. This was the proper job, local fishing boats quality fish, smokers, massive shell fish & they were selling veg - monster garlic & potato varieties you will not have seen before. All in all a lovely place. The turmoil, that's for tomorrow, cruise cancelled for b2backers ...turmoil.

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