Tuesday, March 24


That is the question. We were already Shellbacks, but now everyone else on board are also since 9:45 this morning. That is when we crossed the equator. Sailors use those names to refer to people who have not, or have crossed the equator & paid tribute to God Neptune. We held the ceremony of kissing the fish at the swimming pool, we had done it before & it was so crowded we went for strawberry daiquiris to pay our tribute. It worked, the sea's been really calm. We called in at Manta, Ecuador to pick up some medication and drop off a heart attack passenger. All passed relatively smoothly and we have been sailing steadily north, still expecting to arrive in San Diego on Monday 30 March. This is now the longest we have been at sea without going ashore - some 11 days. Saw our old compatriot, Azamara Pursuit in the distance. Celebrity have been trying to arrange flights for us when we get to USA. Some bad news for 170 of us who won't be getting off but are going back to Mexico. I can only guess that these are folks who don't meet US entry requirements.

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