Saturday, March 15

Delhi 2

We finish our PoW trip back in Delhi - again up at 6;00 am to get ready to leave at 7:30. All n all we had a great time met some good folks on the train who cerytainly were characters.
Firstly there were the Russians in our carriage. They didn't mix with anyone really, while we went on the coaches with everyone else, they always had private transport, down to the boat that went to the Octopussy island, they had their own private guides. The mother was a NY doctor and her son was a cosmetic surgeon. Some unkind people on the train said he may have worked on her. I don't know, but she was certainly very attractive in that staring sort of way. There was a whole bunch of Canadians in our group who were great, there were two other doctors, one Aussie, who we will try and meet up with in Melbourne and one Brit who came from Southend, so it didn't matter too much if anyone got sick, except we wouldn't be able to afford the Russians. Then we had 2 lady food stylists from the US, what a scream they were, great fun to be with, not a dull moment.
We got back to our hotel in Connaught Place, settled in and went out for some tuk tuk. These are the motor scooter rickshaws. Funny enough, Lin felt safer with them than the first taxi we had. Everyone in Delhi drives with the wing mirrors in. They either don't want to see whats behind them, or are frightened of getting them knocked off. We spent a good couple of hours in the National Museum trying to understand the Indian history and who all the Gods are. Its very confusing. Its such a big country too, up north in Nagaland they seem to have tribes a bit like re indians wit feathers and bows and arrows and all. We next tuked around the government buildings and India gate. Lutyen's Delhi is something to behold. Our last hour was spent in the gardens in Connaught watching the world go by and the park keeper trying to stop the young ones snogging - they don't like it in public you know! We left early for the airport, cos of strikes, Every one said leave 4 hours. When we got there, they wouldn't let us in the terminal and snet us to a lounge $70 rupees sir. And what a slum, with cleaners on strike, their was crap everywhere. We finally got in to the terminal and after greasing a few palms got through pretty quickly. Boarding Singapore Air was like moving into paradise. What a slick airline, they knew the Delehi terminals were all crap - one I was looking at was frozen for 3 hours with the wrong gates posted. Singapore posted their own and put out their own notices. Left on ime and arrived Singapore on time - bliss after India. Stil no need to use the loo is a good thing, good job the Immodium is strong!


Pom said...

me encantan las fotos de este tipo

STAG said...

Stumbled on your blog. What a trip! Hee hee!

Guess you found out that Delhi Belly is not just a joke!!

I'll be back from time to time to see how you did. Are you posting it as you go along, or are you already back, and only just now putting up the pictures?