Monday, March 17


We had a good flight with Singapore again, they are a great airline. We boarded about 9:30 and got uderway, the Singapore girls soon came around with drinks - orange, water etc. Linda went for a Singapore Sling - well, she said, it is a pre-lunch drink With that, I had scotch and ice. Nice flight, woke up just before landing. If Delhi and Singapore wrer different so was Perth. Linda  had put some "coated peas" in our case. This  is some form Singaporean snack, I'll let you know when we eat it what it's like. Now, the Aus immigration is pretty tough on what you bring in - no worries, we bluffed it. The climate is great, humid to dry - fantastic, if a bit draughty. I don't know what the rest of Aus is like, but Perth is A bit like it is shut for winter, after Singapore. It is so quiet, everyone gos home prompt at 5:00 and all the shops shut. It also reminds me of London, Victorian shops, greasy pavements, Stoke Newington High Street says it all. We have spent the day, wandering. It is St Paddies day and we stopped for a beer at a bar on the water front. I had a Guinness in the "The Lucky Shag" and guess who dropped in - a Shag, well there you go.There is not much going on for tourists in Perth, we wandered around to the Bell Tower (waste of time) and then to the Perth Mint, much better. Took the free CAT bus up the WACA and back.
We have selected rather ideosyncratic hotels on our trip, and this is no exception. We are staying at the Miss Maud Swedish - ever heard of it? I think not. It is great. Nice and clean and set in 1950's Sweden. The lift is 3ft by 3ft and has do-it-yourself doors, open the outer then the inner, You oldies will know what I mean. It is decorated in a rather strange Swedish style, rural paintings with the staff wearing dirndls. Victorian building. We a great meal in the restaurant tonite, with Tony on the guitar playing my style - slow hand, VM, Eagles, good stuff.
We leave tomorrow, Freemantle and down to Margaret River, our first car hire, how will we cope on the driving? Linda's just gone off to wash our smalls..... and just rushed back in to say you musn't wash after 8:00pm, its 9:30, she is now listening at the door for irritated guests, I'll just tell them she is on UK time and no worries. Hav any you who have been to Aus, nticed how the traffic lights sound like my 1970's car trying to start in the winter?
More tomorrow from WA

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