Monday, March 17


I am sitting here in Singapore airport reflecting on our journey so far and Singapore in particular. I really enjoy your messages to me on the BLOG,  they're great to read - keep them coming. The airport at Singapore is fantastic, loads of shopping, free internet, cheap cafes. I see we have no guesses what the picture in the Jaipur posting. Free internet access here, which is typical of Singapore. No fish for Robbie, I don't understand it, he is good fisherman, lots of patience and understands his fish. Ah well, roll on end of close season, lets find some better waters with the LAA and on  the Severn.
Linda has key memories of places she visits, e.g. China - lots of noisy hawking and spitting everywhere. For India it was men pissing in te street. Everywhere we went she came across men peeing in the street. I don't  think its her thing. The Delhi B is finally fixed and Immodium has released its grip on both of us - Hoorah!   India & Singapore are like chalk & cheese. Singapore is so clean and organised, the Metro is fantastic, I recommend it to everyone. You buy single tickets on an oyster card and have to pay $1 deposit which is refunded. Airport to town centre is $1.50, about £1. A day ticket is $8. The whole of Singapore is so clean, the cleanest Chinatown I have ever see. We spent a day wandering about, City centre, Fort Canning Park, the spice walk, watched an Easter egg hunt - one kid must have found 50eggs, the talent contests in the street, Battle Box. We had a nice 1 hour massage, a lovely Singaporean girl. I have never had the masseuse climb on the bed with me - it was great and she washed me afterwards. The hotel was super. We went shopping in Orchard St, like Oxford St, but with US style Bluewater Malls. Went for tea at Raffles Hotel and ate dinner on the quay, smashing. Hot and humid, very tiring. Went down to Harbour Front and took the cable car that goes over the harbour and up Mount Faber. Mount Faber is run by a single company so they see you as easy meat and go for ripoff. A Sprite up on Mount Faber costs you $10, they must think I have MUG stamped on my forehead.
Walking back from Chinatown, I could have sworn I saw a UFO - I had had a drink or two, what do think from the pics?
I need to board now so I will complete post piccies in Aus.

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