Thursday, March 13

Jaiselmer - Beauty in the Desert

Its been good to read all of your comments on the Blog while we are travelling - a link to home. After a long nights run west to the far side of Rajastan, we arrive in Jaiselmer. Lots of troops around, we are very close to the Pakistan border. Its a wall enclosed city of great beauty. The Jain Temple was interesting, it predates Budhism and all the saints look the same and you can only tell them apart by the emblems at their feet. Interesting religion that eschews all wordly goods. Lunch on the train followed by guided wander around the narrow streets and into some of the houses. What do you think of LInda's mustache? We had an interlude of obligatory shopping followed by a trip out to the desert for a half hour on a camel.Couldn't walk afterwards. Sunset in the desert was dissappointing, too misty to see it. There was a big party going on out in the dunes, generators, music systems and crowds on the dunes, never did find out what it was really about. Back to town for dinner where Lin and YT took part in some local dancing with the dusky maidens, very nice. Contrast to Jaipur - pop density 9 per square kilometer. Interestingly, while the females outnumber the males in western Europe, I think Jaiselmer has less then 900 females per 100 males. Back on the train, off to Jodhpur overnight.

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