Saturday, March 15

Udaipur: Beginning of the end?

Or is the end of the beginning. Well as far as Delhi Belhi, Lin kicked off with crash, up most of the night more going than coming (do you know the joke about the colours?) With suitable drugs and TLC from me she was fine for the next day. Udaipur, this is the place with the hotel on the lake, that was used Octopussy. Funny enough they were shooting a film called Cheetahs when we got there. Udaipur is a bit different to the other cities we visited. Cleaner - less traffic - no beggars or hawkers to speak of. There was more shopping to do however. We went to an artists co-op where they were painting so finely - it looked like a one haired brush and he was using ground mineral paint like lapis lazuli in gum. They were painting on camel bone, silk, formica. The camel bone was made by grinding the bone, setting it in gum and then finely slicing sheets, so thin that you could back-light the finished painting.
We visited a botanical garden, watched fisherman netting catfish on the lake - they must have had a haul of 40 fishes, looking like 10lb each or so. The palace was nice but a bit run down looking. The palace is huge and contains the public part, 2 hotels and the private apartrments for he boss. We ate in one of the hotels, very sumptious. On the way out Linda wanted to buy some stamps. We wres ent out and down the stairs. We wandered so far that we must have gone wrong. Salvation, I came across one of the hotel security people. I said good afternoon, can you help me? yes sir, he replied. I asked if he knew where reception was. He said yes. I said can you tell me then? He said yes I said where then, he siad yes. I said you can't understand me can you? He said yes. We went back the way we came.
We next went out on a boat trip round the hotel island on on to another island for afternoon tea. V pleasant.

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