Saturday, March 15

Jodhpur: Trousers for All

Nice train ride to Jodhpur, finally got the hang of rock n' roll in bed and slept better. All the towns we visited are also known by colours  - pink for Jaipur 'cos of all the pink sandstone used, amber for Jaiselmer, aginn used in all the buildings, now blue for Jodhpur. Apparently the top class Brahmin's painted their houses blue and yu can see this quite clearly looking over the town. The fort is built really high up and dominates the town. It is really beatiful. Lin got lucky, birds shat upon her from on high while waiting to enter the fort - lucky it was her and not me eh? We had a lesson on turban tying, so if anyone fancies 30 feet of cloth on their bonce, see Linda.
Had lunch in the Maharaja's palace - now a hotel with him still in residence in one wing, it is some place. Built in th 30's and it has a facist look about it all Nuremburg and overpowering, but stunning. Set off after lunch on PoW for Sawai Madhopur.

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