Tuesday, March 4

Dehli Behli

Finally got underway. Overnight flight on nice new Airbus 340. No problem until we got ot Delhi. No taxi to pick us up - but after a couple of calls we finally got the hotel to send one. 45min delay. Met a guy who came to pick up his wife on our flight - no show. He didn't know if he had the wrong day what with the overnight flight or if his missus missed the flight. The taxi ride put the willys up Lin. No rules except might has right of way, so watch out for lorrys. See the picture of the hotel - looks a shambles from the outside, but nice inside, good location on Connaught and half the price of all the nearby hotels. Lots of complimentary goodies and free wifi. Pandemonium on the streets. Big crowds roaring at the shop windows - turned out that India had just beaten Aus in the 1day finals in Aus. Must be no sports bars in India. Just getting ready to go out for din dins.


Unknown said...

Hi you two. I meant to wish you bon voyage before you left, but my dad's been really bad and is now back in hospital and, if he survives will go from there to residential care. So belated bon voyages - hope it's a wonderful adventure!!
love, Pat (and Steve-the-technophobe)

Clem said...
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Clem said...

Hi Wally & Linda, good to see that you arrived okay. have you ventured out for any good curries yet?

Did you see that the Gunners beat Milan - it silenced my Ialian neighbours!

Enjoy the weather - it looks hot there.



Anonymous said...

Dear travellers,

Weather in the UK is B****y awful. Severe weather warnings today and tomorrow. 60 UK flood warnings in place.

Hope you are enjoying your travels, am sure you can pick up cheap ultra portable in India or the far east!

Looks like you left the Monsoon behind you!

Martin O.

trish said...

Hi you to glad you got thre safe and sound.
Send us some sunshine it's awful at the moment,wind rain and cold.
Thinking of you

Richard Roy said...

Hi Linda & Wally the transport system sounds interesting when you were looking for a taxi prehaps you should have tried 118118 that way you would have had 2 strange men turn up with dodgy mostaches to sort you out within minutes.
Have a good trip.

Jan & Rob said...

Hi you two - left the first one on the wrong entry (typical). Glad you arrived ok, Robbie says have you seen any fish on your wanders as he is convinced there are none left in England, you can gather by that he went fishing and caught zilch.
Enjoy the adventure
Take careLove Rob and Jan