Wednesday, March 26

What's Up - Auckland

What's up?  A lot of the local place names in the Perth cape end in up, Yallingup, Cowamerup, Boranup. I must look up the meaning/derivation. I guess it is local lingo from the natives or early settlers. Sitting in the Perth Lounge, not  a patch on Singapore, but Singapore Air is providing free internet, must piss off the local suppliers at the airport. Driving went well, no problems and the Lancer was good for a hire car.
No rain seen so far, but I think that will change in Auk. The hot spell has broken, apparently the East Coast is down to 30 Deg C.  Bad news about Arsenal, I think MU have got it again. The SW cape is very nice, its very like Cornwall very rugged, small villages. This is Easter weekend, very strange, its supposed to be the busiest weekend of the year, but most of the restaurants shut early and all the shops are closed. You should see the E Monday rush - no cars at all. I guess its a reflection of the low population here.
You recall that here were no rooms in Margaret River and we got room in a camp site. It was very nice, new build, big rooms, but they had spread fertilizer on our garden, blood, fish & bone if I recognise the stink. Got us $200 back on the week - well done LIn.
We are on a 20 kilo baggage limit which is intersting on a world trip. I have only used a fraction of my gear, Lin has used all of hers. We are weighing in at 39.4 kilos. My thought for the day - pack less clothes, pack more money!
Arrived in Auckland at some ungodly hour 5:10am. I am surprised how dark it is here in the morning, still dark at 6:45. It is their summer after all and back in he UK it will be getting light now before 7. Shuttled in to our hotel - Chalet Chevron, another of my attempts not to not pick standard "Marriott" style business hotels. This is  very small  place in Parnell, a Victorian "historic" district. No one here at the Chalet yet to let us in. We will take a wander off shortly and have breakfast in town. 
Been using the local buses, very good. A free city bus, a circular route bus for 64p a trip and the rest at £1.35. Auk is very "English" and is nicer than Perth. We have been out to Mission Bay, a little resort town just outside Auk and we have toured around all of the major sights. We went up to Mt Eden, some hike that uphill. Poor Linda suffered a bit. Visited the museum, nice place in the middle of Auckland Domain - Any of you guys speak NZ and know what a domain is? Know what a short black is? Got an historic tour guide from tourist info, went on the walk, it takes you around loads of places that are no longer there. I tell you what, you need a really good imagination. Learnt about the NZ wars, never covered that at school in my day.
I always imagined the NZers to be reserved quiet people. Not at all the kids are really rude and pushy with no respect we had to shove them out of the way in the museum at times. In contrast to the Aussies, they drive like nutcases, flat out in all the lower  gears, tearing round corners, walkers have to watch out. On my way to Rotorua, we've heard its a bit of a stink hole, but never mind, lets see for ourselves.

1 comment:

michelle said...

The "up" in these names comes from the Aboriginal Noongar language but there is some dissension as to whether it means place of, water place or meeting place and most likely it is a combination of all three translations. I am interested whether you have found the town pissup yet?